I could write a poem right now hahaha... the memories this place will give you will depend on you too, so get the best you can from it.
I gotta mention, I feel strange trying to make as if I know nothing from this City to sympathize with you and write about what you actually care about. But let's see.
You'll probably get in Park City by taxi or something like that, so the next thing I guess you would like to do is getting to know the city a little bit, so let's start with the buses that will take around this place for free or tips. I won't put a map, because the best way to know how a city is, it's exploring it... are you ready for it?
All the buses that go through the city have a color depending on where they go. They all start their "journey" on Main Street in the Transit Center. Let's see what the Transit Center looks like, shall we?
This is just for you to have an idea about it. I don't want to kill your thirst for discovery at all haha.
Those are the buses you'll see around... I told you they have assigned different colors, yes, but it appears on top (do you see that orange thing above the main windows? there it says RED - PROSPECTOR SQUARE, for example. All buses are like the one in the picture. I want this to be clear, so the buses are not the same color they have assigned.
You can find the Winter Transit Timetable in every bus. Just ask the driver and he'll tell you where it is. This is the timetable
What's in it?
You are probably thinking "What the hell does those numbers mean?" I'll explain. The RED BUS, for instance, is suppose to stop at 16:05 or 18:25 or 21:45 on Main Street. It doesn't matter what hour of the day is, but has to be at X:05;25; or 45. Do you understand? You'll also see a timetable near the bus stop, just like this.
Now, IMPORTANT: The time of the day actually matters if it's too early or too late. But to clear that up, look at the tiny numbers that appear on each bus color in the right column where it says "First" and "Last".
I told you about the colors, but what the hell are the City Wide (AM) and City Wide (PM)?
Those buses are the ones that travel all over the city when it's too early or too late for the color buses to "work".
···If you wanna get to Snowpark, you can take the Green, Blue, Orange and Yellow bus.
···If you wanna get to Silver Lake, take the Orange. You can also take any of the bus above to Snowpark and wait for the Orange bus in the bus stop at Snowpark.
···If you wanna get to Empire, you have to reach the Transit Center first, and then take the Purple.
···If you wanna get to Snowpark, you can take the Green, Blue, Orange and Yellow bus.
···If you wanna get to Silver Lake, take the Orange. You can also take any of the bus above to Snowpark and wait for the Orange bus in the bus stop at Snowpark.
···If you wanna get to Empire, you have to reach the Transit Center first, and then take the Purple.
Keep this pictures with you for the first days guys, you'll need it.
Now that you have the buses timetable... You'll need to know how to get to the grocery store, drugstore, supermarket and others.
I-. There are 2 main grocery stores in PC (there are more, but these 2 are the favourites).
1 - W A L M A R T -> This is a supermarket; The difference between a supermarket and a grocery store is mainly what you find in them. The first one will provide not only food, but technology among others. The grocery store provides mostly food.
I challenge you to find how to get to Walmart... which bus should you take?
I have to say, even tho Walmart is the best option to go shopping because it's cheaper and you get to find different things (shoes, socks, food, mobile phones, cameras, silverware, etc), it's also far from PC downtown.
2 - T H E - F R E S H - M A R K E T -> This is a grocery store. It doesn't mean you ONLY find food in it, but it's smaller and more expensive than Walmart... and well, it's downtown (therefore not as far as Walmart is).
3 - W H O L E - F O O D S -> If you're rich, you can go there haha. In this place you can find many options for vegan and vegetarian people. It has a large variety of foods and it's awesome to go visit haha... It's located in Redstone Area (look at the bus timetable if you wanna go there).
II-. Now, where are the shoppings?
Either Redstone Area or Tanger Outlets. In the first one, there is a movie theatre, a grocery store, a lot of places to go to eat, etc. In the second one, you'll find mainly outlets, as it says its name.
III-. Drugstore: No, you won't find marihuana here, of course. This is also known as Pharmacy and one of them is located on the left or right (depending where you are located) of The Fresh Market. It's called Rite Aid... there's also one in The Fresh Market and another one in Walmart. I don't really remember any other.
IV-. Christian Center: This is a place where Christian volunteers receive donation and either sell them at a low price (from clothes, books, ski clothes, skies, etc.), and you can also get some food that's about to expire. Every Tuesday they make a dinner with some awesome activities, like karaoke, for instance. Where is it? it is on Empire Avenue (the same street where Snowshoe Inn is (Housing for Deer Valley Employees)).
Park Ave. is the main street in PC (but it's not Main Street, where the Transit Center is), so it'll be probably the first street you'll recognise. The Christian Center is near the lower right corner.
I'll leave you this video a Chilean, Makarena Valenzuela, made while she was in Park City (Click there, in Park City).
III-. Drugstore: No, you won't find marihuana here, of course. This is also known as Pharmacy and one of them is located on the left or right (depending where you are located) of The Fresh Market. It's called Rite Aid... there's also one in The Fresh Market and another one in Walmart. I don't really remember any other.
IV-. Christian Center: This is a place where Christian volunteers receive donation and either sell them at a low price (from clothes, books, ski clothes, skies, etc.), and you can also get some food that's about to expire. Every Tuesday they make a dinner with some awesome activities, like karaoke, for instance. Where is it? it is on Empire Avenue (the same street where Snowshoe Inn is (Housing for Deer Valley Employees)).
Park Ave. is the main street in PC (but it's not Main Street, where the Transit Center is), so it'll be probably the first street you'll recognise. The Christian Center is near the lower right corner.
I'll leave you this video a Chilean, Makarena Valenzuela, made while she was in Park City (Click there, in Park City).
Write all the doubts you have, so I can keep publishing for you guys.
Hope you have an excellent day
O l i v e
º º º º E S P A Ñ O L º º º º
Park City... Oh! Park City...
Podría escribir un poema en este mismo minuto jajaja... los recuerdos que este lugar les va a dejar depende de ustedes también, así que saquen lo mejor de PC Life.
Tengo que decir que me siento extraña intentado hacer como si no supiera nada de esta ciudad para empatizar con ustedes, y saber qué es lo que quieren saber para poder escribir sobre eso. Pero veamos...
Probablemente lleguen a Park City en taxi o algo así, por lo tanto, lo próximo que me imagino van a querer hacer es conocer la ciudad para empezar a familiarizarse con ella; empecemos con los buses que los van a trasladar (gratis o por propina) durante la temporada. No quiero poner un mapa de la ciudad, porque creo que la mejor forma de conocer los lugares es explorándolos... ¿¡están listos!?
Todos los buses que andan por la ciudad tienen asignado un color dependiendo de dónde vayan. Todos comienzan el recorrido en el Transit Center de Main Street (Main Street es la calle principal donde está lleno de restaurantes y tiendas más "fancies"). Veamos cómo es el Transit Center, dale?
Esto es solo para que tengan una idea... No quiero matar su sed por descubrir la ciudad jajaja
Esos son los buses que van a ver... Les dije que tienen asignado distintos colores, sí, pero el "color" no lo lleva el bus, sino que aparece sobre las ventanas principales (¿ven eso naranjo que está en la parte frontal, sobre las ventanas del bus?); ahí va a aparecer "RED; o, GREEN; o, ORANGE; etc". Todos los buses son como el que aparece en la foto (quiero ser majadera con eso); los buses no van a ser del color que tienen asignado, sino que son todos como el de la foto.
Esos son los buses que van a ver... Les dije que tienen asignado distintos colores, sí, pero el "color" no lo lleva el bus, sino que aparece sobre las ventanas principales (¿ven eso naranjo que está en la parte frontal, sobre las ventanas del bus?); ahí va a aparecer "RED; o, GREEN; o, ORANGE; etc". Todos los buses son como el que aparece en la foto (quiero ser majadera con eso); los buses no van a ser del color que tienen asignado, sino que son todos como el de la foto.
Van a encontrar el Winter Transit Timetable en cada bus. Es un papel donde aparece el itinerario de todos los buses y pueden encontrar otros papeles donde aparecen mapas de la ciudad con el recorrido de cada bus. Este es el itinerario (del año pasado).
¿Qué aparece dentro?
Probablemente están pensado "Qué cresta quieren decir esos números?" Les explico. Por ejemplo, el RED BUS debiera parar en Main Street a las 16:05 o 18:25 o 21:45. Da lo mismo la hora del día, pero tiene que ser a X hora con :05; :25 o :45 minutos, ¿entienden? También van a ver un itinerario de los buses en las "paradas" o "bus stop", como verán acá.
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